Transcription services are a vital requirement for any business today operating within the national market or overseas. It essentially refers to the process of converting audio/video files into text format in the desired language of your target audience.
Why is transcription required?
Almost every industry – business, medical, legal, or the government sector – functions by organizing regular meetings, conferences, seminars and events to maintain contact with their clients. The proceedings of these are recorded for future reference. These recordings may either be very long or of poor sound quality. In both cases, it might be difficult to hear them. This explains the need for professional transcribers. They are trained in hearing long, even inaudible recordings, and then accurately transcribe them in multiple languages. Moreover, they can deliver transcriptions within the stipulated time. Transcriptions also facilitate maintaining a permanent record of all the events for future reference in case the audio or video files may go corrupt.
Why choose us?
We at Global Creative are experts in converting audio and video files into text format in the desired language of the target audience. We have an efficient team of certified professional transcribers who are experienced in handling all kinds of documents and translating them in multiple languages. We respect client deadlines and strive to deliver error-free projects in the required time.
How we can help?
Our transcribers are experts in hearing any length of audio or video file, even of poor inaudible quality. They can efficiently convert audio and video files into text format in as many multiple languages as preferred by the client. We understand that maintaining audio and video records in legal and medical matters may not be a good idea since vital information may get lost due to the poor sound or picture quality. As such, our professional team can transcribe all the important data with utmost accuracy in no time.
Experienced professionals who work hard and make efforts to repeatedly listen to each and every word until it becomes fairly clear to transcribe and convey the exact intended meaning. Guaranteed service with the highest accuracy rate and promises to deliver within the stipulated time frame. Competitively priced services without compromising on the promised quality of work. 100% human transcriptions. Though we may take assistance from automated software tools, we focus on delivering work done by our own team of professionals. Our transcription services break all barriers of place and language. We have a large clientele of national and international repute. We offer transcription services in numerous Indian, Asian and European languages. You have a permanent record of all these recordings for future reference in case the files go corrupt. Our transcription services are designed to help your business make the next move in the global market.

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