Meaning of Subtitling
Subtitles refer to the short texts displayed at the bottom (sometimes top) of the video to support its visuals. The text can either be a direct translation of the video visuals or present a concise summary or key highlights of the specific video. How Can Subtitling Help? The most immediate benefit of adding subtitles to a video is to enable the viewer to better understand it. The need for subtitling may arise under any of the following circumstances: * a. The person viewing the video is hearing impaired
* b. The person does not comprehend the language in which the video has been created
The latter usually happens when the mother tongue of your target audience is different from the one used in the video. In this case, you can use the help of text, which is written in the target’s native/preferred language, and display it at the bottom of your video.
We Can Help Here
If you too are facing similar problems as discussed above, we at Global Creative can help. Our highly skilled team of experts is adept at both translating the videos into the native language of our target audience as well as creating translated subtitles for the hearing impaired. Moreover, all our subtitles are created to support both the image and the audio. This means that our team determines the exact moment at which the subtitles need to appear or be withdrawn on the screen, in tune with the supporting audio/image being played.
Our subtitling services can help make your content visually appealing. With summarized written text on the screen, your audience would be able to understand the exact import of the message. Moreover, subtitles also help save your time and effort in saying the same thing twice in the video.

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